enrichment garden
Secure Dog Exercise Area in Valleyfield Woods
  1. Book your session.
  2. Arrive at the car park and use the allocated ‘Secret Garden’ spaces.
  3. Place your dog(s) on a leash before exiting them from the vehicle.
  4. Dogs are to REMAIN on leash as you follow the trail path to the Garden.
  5. Enter the garden using the passcode allocated to you in your confirmatory email.
  6. Enjoy your secure exercise or training session.
  7. As you prepare to depart the garden, place all dogs back on a leash.
  8. Please close the gate on your exit.
  9. Follow the trail path back to the vehicle keeping your dogs on a leash and remaining aware of other dog owners.
  10. Book your next session if you’ve enjoyed the freedom.


  • Only use the Secret Garden if you have booked a time slot on www.enrichmentgarden.com
  • Dogs must be kept on lead at all times when not in the garden.
  • Time slots include entry and exit to the enclosure. Please ensure you leave the enclosure promptly so the next time slot can arrive.
  • Pick up after your dog and use the bin provided at the car park.
  • No toilets are available at the enclosures.
  • Please do not allow dogs to damage the fence or ground surrounding it.
  • Report any damage.
  • Act considerately and have fun.
  • Be mindful that the Secret Garden is situated adjacent to a dog-training academy. Your dog must be kept under control at ALL times by the use of a leash, particularly in or around the car park.
  • Please bring and use your own water and drinking vessels for the dog, in consideration of hygiene.
  • Be mindful that the Secret Garden is situated adjacent to a dog-training academy. When not in the garden, your dog must be kept under control at ALL times by the use of a leash, particularly in or around the car park.
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